Probation Officers Prevent Likely Drug Overdose Death

Probation Officers Prevent Likely Drug Overdose Death

Author: Chief Robert B. Reyes
Date: 1/31/2022 11:37 AM

On January 27, 2022, at approximately 8:00 PM, Deputy Probation Officers while working in the City of Paso Robles, heard over the radio an apparent overdose at the residence of a known probationer.

The officers responded to the 100 block of Riverbank and were the first unit to arrive at the residence.  They were contacted by the subject’s wife who reported her husband was in the backyard unconscious.  Officers entered the backyard and found the subject on the ground, unresponsive and appeared to not be breathing.  Officers, based on their training and experience, believed the subject was experiencing an overdose and immediately administered Narcan to the subject.  After no response, a second dose was administered.  The subject responded and regained consciousness.  Officers monitored the subject until emergency medical services arrived at the residence.  The subject was transported to Twin Cities Hospital for a medical evaluation. 

The officers’ quick decision to respond to the residence prevented a likely death of another person to a drug overdose.  Their actions are commendable and represent the highest duty of all Probation peace officers, to preserve life.

The San Luis Obispo County Probation Department was approved as a Narcan (naloxone) provider in 2019.  Deputy Probation Officers are required to complete an initial 24 hours of training in public safety first aid, CPR, and naloxone administration. A subsequent 12 hours of ongoing training is required on a biennial basis.  The Probation Department has identified that over 60% of moderate and high-risk supervised persons have significant drug problems and are at risk of an opiate overdose.

Media Inquiries: Chief Probation Officer Robert Reyes, 805-788-2951

Released on Monday, January 31, 2022